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My mom hugged & kissed us non-stop. Still does, would do anything for us, whenever, wherever. I didn't grow up with a brother but I'm blessed to have four kind, smart, and strong younger sisters, all of us within 7 yrs of age. More blessings in having two daughters and a wife, all three who've given my life more meaning and love than I could have ever imagined. I'm grateful for all the feminine wisdom in my life.

This Facebook page in a word is about LOVE. It is about loving everyone through non-judgment and acceptance. There are nearly 53K people following this page and 77% of them are women.

This is going to sound cheesy, no way for it to not, but a heartfelt THANK YOU to all the women on this planet for making important the act of nurturing and loving each other.

This is Chuck. He's not doing so well these days. His camp had been swept several times awhile back and when Ro saw his downward spiral she invited him to live in her backyard.

Let me say it again, 'She invited him to live in her backyard.'

My daughter Jenn drew up some plans for a platform and with a crew of folks build it in a day. Pallet Shelter then graciously donated one of their small enclosures for Chuck to live in.

Another person that has helped Chuck a great deal is Kim, who with her partner Dan, are BLOCK Home hosts. Last week Kim & Jenn went out to help Chuck cleanup his space, he's been unable to address basic needs. They took out bags and bags of garbage, food and waste. So much KINDNESS extended to Chuck.

I am in awe of what women do for those in need in our community. The kindness and nurturing and perseverance and grit and so much more is humbling to the point of crying.

A heartfelt THANK YOU Ro, Kim and Jenn for your constant kindness.

Beacon Hill neighborhood | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#Kindness #JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness Jenn LaFreniere