



Fale greeted me outside her home in High Point. She was standing next to her boyfriend Terry. Before we could really say hello, her daughter, a junior in High School, came out the front door, hugged her, said I love you, and was off just like that. I was invited to come inside.

As Terry reached for the front door it suddenly opened and a young man in a hurry ran out, said thank you and something about not wanting to be late for school. Fale looked at me and said, "My home is kind of a safe place for lots of kids to spend the night when they need to."

It's hard to explain how beautiful both Fale & Terry are, they have a calmness and openness that is easily and instantly felt. All the more remarkable considering the circumstances.

Fale came to Seattle 19 yrs ago with her children, leaving an abusive husband in American Samoa. She found her sobriety here 13 yrs ago and for the past 12 yrs has been living in her home. She also had been working at the Seattle Indian Health Board until she experienced a work related traumatic event. She was let go while waiting for her L&I case to be approved. Eventually she was able to receive benefits and the care needed. Rather than sit-back, Fale went-back to school. She's two-quarters away from completing her Chemical Dependency degree at Highline College!

All looked good. Then the perfect storm hit. For reasons unclear, and being looked into by her attorney, her L&I benefits stopped. At the very same time her Section 8 funds stopped. The renewal form had been sent to the wrong address and was never processed. In the confusion, she fell 3-months behind in rent, at $1,600.00 per month. Seattle Housing Authority is requiring her to pay $1,600.00 immediately. At this point, I began to tear up. Fale said, "Oh, don't you start, you'll have me going."

Let's raise two months rent for Fale. I know this woman will create ten-fold return for her family and community!!


I asked Fale what she likes about herself. She said, "I am a mother first. I am beautiful and strong. I am a hardworking woman of God. I fight for what I believe in no matter what comes in my way. I am not afraid of failing."

West Seattle neighborhood | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit http://www.facinghomelessness.org/ and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!