International District




Kirk and Russ spent the night in a friend's tent along the freeway. They have nothing to their name, all was lost when their camp was swept.

No tent. No sleeping bag. No way to stay warm. Nothing.

Kirk graduated from Bothell High School in 2003, played football there, it was a big deal. His Junior & Senior year they were KingCo Champs. In 2003 they went 11-1 making it to the state quarterfinals.

Kirk brightens up sharing about those times. He breaks into a big smile and says, "Yeah, I always slept with my football through those years." I asked if he wanted a football now and if he would still sleep with it? "Heck yeah!" He replies, "I would love that!"

Russ moved to Seattle from Los Angeles a year and a half ago. He worked as an EMT because he loves helping people. He pauses, then shares, "Unfortunately, that is all gone now."

Standing with Kirk and Russ I'm struck with how comfortable they are, how real and aware they are, how smart they are, and because of all that, how beautiful they are.

As they both tell how drugs have robbed them, how powerless they feel to get out of it, a big heavy blanket of sadness falls over the conversation.

I'm hoping this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship between them and all of you. I'm hoping&hoping&hoping for that, believing it will lead to a path out of addiction. A path created by the extensive knowledge and endless compassion of this community and the inner strength and beauty of both Kirk and Russ.

They could both use sleeping bags and a good 4-6 person tent. Russ needs a warm coat - size L, shirts - size L, and boots - size 11. Kirk needs a warm coat - size XL.

I asked what would bring a smile to their face. Russ said a guitar and Kirk said a football. Now I was smiling.

If you can help, please dropOFF or sentTO: Facing Homelessness c/o Kirk or Russ 4001 9th Ave NE, Seattle WA 98105. A heartfelt THANK YOU!!

International District neighborhood | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#Kindness #FacingHomelessness #JustSayHello Crosscut