


This is our friend Gizmo. He's been homeless for years, was living on Harbor Island in an RV with his dog Happy.

Several weeks ago Gizmo's RV burned to the ground due to a propane leak. Efforts to put the fire out quickly had to be abandoned with Gizmo barely making it out in time. So very sadly his dog Happy did not. I can't imagine the horror.

Gizmo lost most everything. Last week he was able to get another RV off an auto-wrecking-yard in Auburn, affording him a place to sleep and begin over again.

Gizmo's entire life has been one of abrupt change. His mom and dad broke up when we was five. He was raised by his father, who worked for GE as a turbine specialist. They traveled the country, every year a new school for Gizmo.

As we were standing there the neighbor came out and began asking questions. Are you a friend of my next-door neighbor? How come you are parked here? How long will you be here?

I watched Gizmo go into damage control mode, putting on the charm, wanting the person to know he had nothing to be afraid of, that he welcomed the questions, that he was a nice guy and on and on.

It was clear Gizmo had done this routine before, he knew it was an important moment for him. I felt bad about it, watching him work so hard when he had done nothing wrong. In the end, the neighbor seemed satisfied, assured for now that there was not an immediate danger.

Gizmo could really use a 10'x20' tarp and some battery powered hand-tools. For his state of mind, he would love a small television, and if possible, a flute. He smiled extra big when asking about a flute.

If you can help, please sendTO: Facing Homelessness c/o Gizmo 4001 9th Ave NE, Seattle WA 98105. THANKS!!!

You are a goodGOOD man Gizmo. Everyone that knows you is profoundly sorry for your loss. Sending LOVE to you and Happy.

South Park Neighborhood | Rex

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