

In March we shared with this community that one of the ways we welcome Residents to their new BLOCK Homes is with Welcome Home Kits, and asked you to take part in helping us fund this endeavor. And youDID!

Thanks to your generosity, we have been able to provide each new BLOCK Resident with many basic necessities that are usually hidden costs of settling into a new home. With these funds the items that come in each kit are customized to the needs of each Resident who moves in, so no unnecessary items are ordered or go unused. The kits contain a full set of curtains, bathroom and cleaning supplies, pots and pans for cooking, a full cutlery and plate set for dinners at home, and a mattress and sheet set for sound nights of sleep and sponges, laundry hampers, and shampoo.

We have all experienced how daunting a big move can be and how important it is to have the support of our community. Welcome Home Kits help ease the transition of those first few weeks settling into a new home, so that when a BLOCK Resident steps inside after a long day, they feel the gentle squeeze of love from this community, welcoming them back to their home again and again and again.

With gratitude,

Liana, Angie, Phoebe (BLOCK Project Wellness Team)

P.S. If you'd like to get involved with the creation of future Welcome Home Kits, please reach out to Phoebe ( and/or you can keep up to date with our Volunteer Hub page where opportunities to volunteer at a WHK set up event are offered as new Homes are completed!

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you’re moved by the goodness of this community, please visit
click on the ‘donate’ button and consider a gift that is meaningful to you--even a “monthly recurring” donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#justsayhello #facinghomelessness #TheBLOCKProject #kindness #windowofkindness