
We are constantly filled with gratitude for the incredibly generous community members who regularly bring food for our Window of Kindness! Our hearts swell every time one of you knocks on our Windows with food in arms, because we know how important it has been for our unhoused neighbors who visit us each day.

Our community has stepped up even more now after we’ve recently opened on Saturdays, bringing food weekly or even several times each week so that we will always have something to offer our visitors.

With this amazing and vital growth in food donations, we need to make sure our food is safely stored. We rely on three mini fridges and a mini freezer, collected over the past two years, to ensure donations are safely stored. It is becoming more challenging fitting this delicious food into our four small fridges and we need to maximize the space in our office!

For that reason, we are making a big ask to our community: for a clean, full sized fridge that will allow us to continue to properly store the food that you all so graciously donate and accommodate more donations to meet the growing needs of our clients!

If you or someone you know happens to have a fridge they no longer want and/or are looking to donate we would love to hear from you! We would so appreciate it if it could be delivered to our office (we currently lack the equipment to pick it up and transport it here). Please contact karina@facinghomelessness.org and we can see what might be possible.

If we receive a larger fridge, we would love to donate our mini fridges to any community members or organizations who need one, so please also let us know if you or someone you know is interested.

thankYOU! Because you have shown up so graciously, we will continue to meet the growing need of our visitors!

University District Neighborhood| Kristina & Karina

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you’re moved by the goodness of this community, please visit http://www.facinghomelessness.org/ and click on the ‘donate’ button and consider a gift that is meaningful to you--even a “monthly recurring” donation of just $5 in support of the work. Thank you!
#facinghomelessness #windowofkindness #TheBLOCKProject #kindness