

I met Mike in a small tent community tucked under the freeway on Airport Way, Georgetown. It was so cold out that my fingers were completely numb at the fingertips. The freeway above is quite loud for chatting. When we arrived people were very hungry and thirsty and very grateful for the food and water.

Mike is very talkative and friendly. The very first thing he said to us when we walked in was that if we ever needed a place to stay, we could stay there at his "hotel" for no charge. He pointed to a cluster of tents which he has set up for people to stay in who don't have a place to go. He told me he does not charge anyone a dime- that he just wants to help others in his community. "Even if I had a million dollars I would be right there doing this exact thing helping others.... but I would definitely make this camp look more like an Ewok village with streaming lights and walkways in the sky."

Mike has hopes that this little tent community will actually become a legitimate camp with honey buckets and garbage service. He is helping prove that they maintain order and do not bother anyone. He said most of all people that live there are thirsty and need more water to drink, and then he corrected himself and said "actually I'll be honest ...coca cola, ha ha."

I asked him if this place had a name and he said "Two Bridges, since it's under these two bridges," and then he added, "Resort", and then laughed.

He told me that he does not worry about money or his future because God will take care of him. Mike has been homeless for 8 years and is 44 years old.

Georgetown neighborhood | Dawndra

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#JustSayHello #Kindness #FacingHomelessness