

James is illiterate, he's been homeless for the last 40 years, half of that time panhandling in the Montlake neighborhood. Three days ago he was released from the hospital after spending weeks due to blacking-out while begging.

He was discharged with his hospital gown and wheelchair. Facing Homelessness provided him with a tent, sleeping bag and a $100 Safeway gift-card for food.

Yesterday late afternoon I found him down by Foster Island, his collapsed tent in the middle of a field. It was windy and just starting to rain. I spoke to the tent, "Hey James, you there?"

Instantly he yelled back, "Yeah, yeah, help me up!" I lifted the folded over tent, pulled the flap aside, and was hit with a wall of urine odor. His pants were completely wet with it. As I wedged my foot against his and took hold of his arm to pull, I thought to myself, this is so messed up.

Standing upright James said he was doing okay but that he needed to get to Safeway for some food, could I give him bus money? I handed him $20. In the same sentence of thanking me he asked if I could drive him there. I paused.

I've known James for over ten years, he's a dear friend.

I looked at him and said "No, I am sorry, I can't drive you." The honest truth is, I didn't want the car seat smeared with urine. I hated hearing myself say no to him for what now seems trivial. James nodded, and shuffled off, yelling back, "Bye Rex, see you later."

I've not been able to stop thinking about it. I know we can't say yes to every ask from those in need, but we also can't say no to every ask either.

This is one of the hard parts of coming closer to those in need. Yet, to live fully, we must come closer to know how we feel, to know what is right for each moment. And it can be uncomfortable, or even messy. And that is okay. Okay because this is what being human is all about, about reaching out to each other with love and trust, figuring it out as we go.

I love you James.

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit http://www.facinghomelessness.org/ and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#Kindness #FacingHomelessness #JustSayHello Crosscut KING 5 Blair Jordan