
Please meet Alexie

All of us at Facing Homelessness wish you good health, warmth, safety, connection, and the love that each of us deserve this holiday season.

“Because of the BLOCK Project and Facing Homelessness I have been able to gain control over my life for the first time… And I have hope for a future.” - Alexiel, BLOCK Home Resident

Alexiel's words showcase the profound impact we can have when we choose to care for each other. As the year winds down and we plan for the next, be a beacon of hope in someone's life, just as you've been for Alexiel and many others.

A job loss, an injury, a rent increase - for many, just a little bit of bad luck can lead to the harsh realities of homelessness. But imagine a future where individuals like Alexiel, who faced adversity, can reclaim control and dare to dream again. Your support of the BLOCK Project and the Window of Kindness is the key to building that hopeful future.

Let's come together this holiday season and make real change in the lives of our neighbors who, like Alexiel, just need a new chance for a better tomorrow.

With gratitude and warmest wishes for the holiday season,

The Facing Homelessness Team

P.S. We still need to raise $15,389 to reach our $200,000 goal and unlock our full match. Your generosity matters.

Please Meet Alexiel

Meet Alexiel (they/them), a new resident of one of our BLOCK homes. They’ve given us permission to share their story with our community so you can see the power of your support.

Alexiel first heard about Facing Homelessness while in therapy at Sound Health.

“At the time I was living in a dilapidated, rat infested camper with my partner. We had been there for over 3 years, not for lack of trying. We did everything we could to find a place to live after being forced to leave our previous home. Even trying to rent from extended stay motels, but that became far too expensive.

We were lucky enough to have a backyard to keep the camper in, something most in our situation could only dream of. So in some aspects, we felt lucky. As you can imagine, however, it was wearing thin on our mental health. At one point I even attempted suicide, but luckily survived.”

We wish that Alexiel’s story was rare, but it’s not. It’s incredibly common for people living unhoused to go through extraordinary mental health challenges. How could it not be, when many people living housed pretend not to even notice they exist? Or react with judgment and avoidance?

Your support of Facing Homelessness creates a chance for people living unhoused to have safe human connection. For them to receive love instead of judgment. And even a chance for them to have a home of their own. Alexiel said:

“When I was given the opportunity to be a part of the BLOCK Program, I jumped. It has been life changing for both myself and my partner. In getting my own place, he was able to find a place very soon after!

While I am still wrapping my mind around everything that has happened, one thing I know is how thankful I am to each and every member of the team. They came together to give myself and the other program residents the chance to live and feel human again. Because of this, I have had the opportunity to re-evaluate my life and to become the “real” version of myself. Something I can never say “Thank you!” enough for.

I would like anyone who is considering donating, or helping to build one of the tiny homes, to really know how transformative it is for a person. It truly means life or death to have a home, in one way or another.”

With gratitude,

The Facing Homelessness team



Sometimes we don’t have the answers, sometimes we don’t have any idea how to move forward, and sometimes all we have is our passion and hearts to lead us in the right direction. Today we would like to share the amazing talent of Miranda Sheh and how she built a beautiful connection with a BLOCK Resident, by sharing her unique skills and offering to create “Memory Art”.

After attending an FH orientation Miranda shared, “As you mentioned in the orientation, a big component is people feeling invisible, and I know through my portraits, people feel deeply seen...”

Miranda generously offered her skills and Facing Homelessness staff connected her to Alexiel, a BLOCK Home Resident.

Alexiel shared with us “My partner and I have been through quite a lot since moving to Seattle... This portrait represents us remembering who we are and what drove us to become the people we are today!”

It’s these types of interactions that lead us in that right direction. We may not know where we’re heading, but at least we know it is done with the right intention, and as long as LOVE is at the center of our hearts, we will always be headed where we’re intended to go.

“My work aims to bring people from all walks of life and backgrounds to the same table, a table where we each have the opportunity to offer our invaluable voice from our unique lens and leadership. Doing so allows us to experience the gifts and healing light within each of us. Come be seen, come be.”

BIG thanks to Miranda for reminding us of the importance of connection, of being seen, and what it means to contribute in a way that feels meaningful and meets us all where we are. And to Alexiel and their partner for sharing your beauty with this community.

Karina | University District

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you’re moved by the goodness of this community, please visit click on the ‘donate’ button and consider a gift that is meaningful to you--even a “monthly recurring” donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#justsayhello #facinghomelessness #TheBLOCKProject #kindness #windowofkindness