
Lacey & Billy - photo.jpg


Lacey is 27 and Billy 29 years old. They are both homeless, Lacey for the last 3 years, Billy for 15 years. They are there for each other, it's easy to feel their connection.

As they stood telling me about the details of their lives, the twists and turns, the ups and downs, I saw them come closer to each other. When Billy shared how he ran away from Foster Care at the age of 14, Lacey took his hand. As Lacey shared about CPS taking her son and daughter, Billy held her tight.

I told them they were beautiful together and Lacey instantly smiled big and then teared up. Billy held her tighter.

I can't imagine the life they are living. I just can't imagine.

We would like to get Lacey and Billy a hotel room for two nights, just a break from the craziness. If (10) people donate $20, we can make it happen. Let's do this. Please.

UPDATE: The Paypal link has been pulled in that the goal of raising $200 has been reached with $491.88 raised, wowWOW!! No funds go to Lacey&Billy, and is always the case, no funds go to FH. If funds are left over, they will go to someone with a like need. A heartfelt THANKS!!!

A big and beautiful LOVE to you Lacey and Billy!!

Downtown Seattle Neighborhood | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit http://www.facinghomelessness.org/
and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#JustSayHello #Kindness #FacingHomelessness Crosscut KING 5