STILL HERE. One 24-hour period in our country will, for some, change everything. At the Window of Kindness, and in our BLOCK Home workshop, however, little will change. We're still here. Our community is still here. You're still here!! And those who need the warmth of compassion, heartfelt listening, and care are still here.
In this year of COVID-19, a crucial race and equity reckoning, and a national election, our conversations and dedicated intention to serving those who arrive at our doorsteps is UNchanged. Our commitment to holding our story-filled companions GENTLY and with care is unchanged. Tomorrow will be as yesterday was, and our mission and role will remain the same: To invite community into the work of ending homelessness. THANK YOU for holding this vision and work in your hearts and for each time you've decided to walk together with us along this path.