Come Closer




This FB page began a little over nine years ago with the hope of bringing everyone into the task of ending homelessness.

Six years ago it grew into a non-profit providing easy entry points for people wanting to get involved. Programs such as 'Just Say Hello', 'Window of Kindness' and 'Community CleanUPs' have invited each of us to come closer, to see the human being rather than be overwhelmed by the issue.

Four years ago the BLOCK Project was created by BLOCK Architects. Three years ago they enlisted this FH non-profit to help bring it to all of you!

From the beginning of this page till now, at every step along the way, magically, at the exact right moment, there's been a person with the exact right skills stepping forward to help push this beautiful dream into reality!

Tomasz Biernacki is currently that beautiful person!

He has engineered how to scale construction of the BLOCK Homes! Designing how to build them faster and safer with nearly all volunteer help. He has the staff at BLOCK Architects and Facing Homelessness buzzing with excitement!

Tomasz sharing why he cares about making a difference:

"I grew up poor, I'm a first generation immigrant who came to the US as a 10 year old kid with my parents. My mother cleaned houses, my father removed asbestos from commercial buildings. My parents always had financial trouble that kept us on the edge of homelessness and poverty. I have never forgotten the struggles and sacrifices they made for my sister and I.

I also remember people in our life who helped my family along the way and who had a profound impact on who I am today. I consider myself extremely lucky as there were plenty of moments in my youth were things could have gone horribly wrong. As an adult I was very lucky as a commercial illustrator and worked really hard to build a successful business. I never forgot were I come from and the lesson that it takes the whole community working together to make a better world.

The homes we built at C2C and the BLOCK Project allow the Seattle community to have a direct and positive impact, a place to plug in and contribute in a profound ways in other lives. The issues around homelessness can feel so overwhelming, and yet I have witnessed time and time again how great our community is banding together and having a positive impact in people's lives. It's the volunteers I meet along the way who really inspire me and give me hope that we can make this world a better place for all."

A heartfelt THANK YOU Tomasz for the profound difference you are making for everyone in this community!!!

SODO Neighborhood | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#Kindness #JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness