John Mullin - Board President

New Executive Director



Welcome Kevin Glackin-Coley, Facing Homelessness' New Executive Director!

As many of you know, we have been actively searching for a new executive director at Facing Homelessness. We have a belief, borne of experience, that the right person always shows up at the right time. And so it is with joy and full hearts that we introduce Kevin Glackin-Coley as our new executive director! Kevin joined this amazing community on August 4.

Kevin’s professional and personal life are rooted in service, with a throughline of building relationship with people experiencing homelessness. He spent 16 years as Director of St. Leo Food Connection within St. Leo Catholic Parish in Tacoma-Lakewood where he grew a simple food bank into a more comprehensive set of services to meet the needs that emerged from the community. After making a values-based decision to leave the organization, he more recently worked as Director of Special Projects at Tacoma Pierce County Coalition to End Homelessness. During this time he led strategic planning efforts, increased shelter beds for the winter season, and expanded outreach about the COVID-19 vaccine to our unhoused neighbors.

We’re glad we found each other! Kevin is a visionary servant leader who prizes relationship. We know he’ll lift up the amazing ideas and strengths of our staff and community of housed and unhoused neighbors, and guide us in our work to inspire deliberate relationship building and community engagement as a pathway to ending homelessness.

"I am excited to join the team and work of Facing Homelessness. In my years of working with people experiencing homelessness it has become increasingly clear to me that, to quote Dorothy Day, "we have all known the long loneliness and the only solution is love and love comes from community." Facing Homelessness's commitment to fostering relationships between housed and unhoused neighbors is rooted in this same vision and I look forward to helping us deepen and expand our shared work." -- Kevin Glackin-Coley

Kevin is eager to engage with this great community and we look forward to upcoming opportunities to work together (in person!) soon. We remain so grateful for your continued love and support!

John Mullin, Facing Homelessness Board President

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you’re moved by the goodness of this community, please visit and click on the ‘donate’ button and consider a gift that is meaningful to you--even a “monthly recurring” donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#facinghomelessness #justsayhello #windowofkindness #kindness #TheBLOCKProject