



I met Auntie 10 days ago, she was sitting on the bumper of Buddy's RV, head bent down, groaning and holding her wrist. Buddy, also homeless and a friend to many, shared that the person she was staying with beat her up. It was clear she needed to go to the ER.

While on I-5 Auntie needed to throw up. We got the window down just in time, a good deal of it finding the side of the car. She couldn't stop apologizing. I couldn't stop thinking how horrible to be 68 yrs old in such pain, getting a ride to the hospital from a complete stranger.

Yesterday we met again. She was feeling better, lots of smiles. Her wrist had not been broken, still swollen, but healing. When I asked where she'll be sleeping, Auntie put her hand on the seat, said, "Right here". I looked at the darker sky forming over West Seattle and asked "What if it rains?" She looked at me like I was stupid, replying, "I'll get wet."

We had a long talk. Conversation that included her growing up in Seattle, her mom dying when she was 16, her father trying to rape her, and lots lots more. Too much to tell. I asked what her plans were. Not just for tonight but for her future. She said, "Getting housing, but that seems all but impossible."

In 2000 Auntie had a pain pump surgically implanted. Without medication she couldn't even walk due to the pain in her legs from an auto-accident. It worked great till 2016 when they cut off giving meds because she owed $280.00. She turned to heroin to control the pain.

I asked if she were to get the meds again, would she get off heroin? Auntie looked squarely at me and said, "In an instant".

UPDATE: The Paypal link has been pulled in that our goal of raising $280.00 has been reached with $494.92 donated!!! With these funds we will cover the cost of getting Auntie's meds started again. Remaining funds will be used to give care to Auntie. No cash goes directly to her and as is always the case, no funds whatsoever go to Facing Homelessness. A heartfelt THANKS to everyone that reached out with support and LOVE!

There are a good many challenges in front of Auntie, but she is a fighter, a tough survivor. It feels like this could be a good start for her, giving her a chance to get back on her feet. Let's raise the $280.

A bigBIG COMMUNITY LOVE to you Auntie!!!

SODO nieghborhood | Rex

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#JustSayHello #Kindness #FacingHomelessness