



Robert and Ashley have been married since 2012. They met at a NY Giants baseball game. When she told me that they both received tickets that were given out to low income families, all I could think was, wow, you never know what an act of kindness can bring someone. Those tickets brought them love and companionship for this many years, wow.

They live in a tiny house village in Georgetown with their two beloved dogs, Opal and Coral. The dogs are sisters, and they both have striking electric blue eyes. They've had the dogs since they were 8 weeks old and now they are 3 years old.

Robert works off and on when he can at the Millionaires Club Charity - a Seattle non-profit Temporary Staffing Agency that connects people experiencing homelessness and poverty with dignified jobs and supportive services.

Ashley suffers from Asperger's and has been told she cannot work. She told me that she wants to work, but fears having an outburst. They love living in this tiny house community, the people are nice and there is a great place to walk the dogs daily nearby. They have lived together in tent cities and at one time they had an RV.

Ashley and Robert both asked me if I brought any dog treats or wet canned food. The place could use that for both dogs and cats. In fact, had brought a bag of dog treats and they had already been used up before I got to these dogs. Lots of animal love here! I love this place.

Georgetown Neighborhood | Dawndra

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#JustSayHello #Kindness #FacingHomelessness