



Regardless of where each of us are in life, we all deserve to be seen and appreciated for the beauty we hold.

We can quiet the judgment of negative stereotypes by connecting to our shared humanity. When we connect, we bridge over the negative and find LOVE in others.

Each and every sock handed out the Facing Homelessness 'Window of Kindness' by volunteers strives to build this bridge. An abundance of care and LOVE is given to each person.

Our office is full of LOVE but right now we are short on socks. We have about (3) weeks worth left. Can you please help?

Last time we made an ask for 1,000 pairs you all sent us 1,400 pairs, wowWOW!! We are asking for 1,000 again.

You can shipTO: Facing Homelessness 4001 9th Ave NE, Seattle WA 98105. If you have questions, please ask in the comments below. A heartfelt THANK YOU.

BTW - If you are interested in purchasing other items you can find a WISHlist here at

. If you purchase through Amazon, please use this account


Socks are like GOLD for those living on our streets, they are connected directly to health and happiness.

University District Neighborhood | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit

and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness #Kindness KING 5 Crosscut