South America




Douglas Bundy, 61, has a very kind and gentle way about him. He lives in the Georgetown tiny home community with his dog KoKo, who is also a very sweet soul.

Douglas got KoKo two years ago and takes very good care of her. He has been living here in his tiny house for three years. He owned and lived in an RV before this, but it got too expensive and he had to let it go.

Douglas was born in South America and came to the states at age 16. He lived in Michigan for a long time before coming to Seattle. He hopes one day he and KoKo could find a bigger place to live, but he's warm and safe here.

Every day he walks to visit a friend who doesn't have the money to feed his dog, and tries to bring his friend dog food. I had given KoKo a bag of dog treats and Douglas admitted he was bringing them to this friend who needed them more.

How sweet is that?

Georgetown Neighborhood | Dawndra

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#Kindness #JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness