


Michelle has had a long rough road to travel in life. She's tough as nails and at the very same time is as sweet as can be. She cares about you, even when she’s yelling at you. My heart goes out to her for all she goes through on a daily basis. She knows the struggle of survival.

Michelle is in and out of the emergency room. She has heart problems and more. She’s what the nurses call a ‘frequent flyer’. Sometimes it’s because her feet and legs have swelled to the point of bursting, other times she’s gasping for air, unable to catch her breath.

Michelle lives in an RV with her dog Syd. They are best friends. I can tell you that Syd is the out-of-control friendly type! There have been an uncountable number of times I’ve opened the RV door to have Syd nearly knock me back off the step with his paws in my chest. It makes me smile to think of it as I hear Michelle yelling for Syd to stop and get back, get back!

There is so much I can share about Michelle and our 8 year friendship. So many stories. What I want to tell you right now though is that Michelle needs help. The RV she lives in leaks something horrible. There is black mold everywhere. Rats have eaten through much of the interior, including through some of the electrical. She says, “I can deal with all that is going wrong but I am at my end with the rats. There are too many of them. I wake up at night and they are crawling on me. I can’t stay here anymore.”

The problem is, she has nowhere else to go. Nowhere.

We are making two ASKS of our community:
Does anyone have an RV they want to donate, or sell cheapCHEAP, to Michelle? If you do, please contact

Can you donate to help purchase a used RV for Michelle? We are hoping to raise $2K.

UPDATE: Givebutter link has been removed in that our goal of raising $2,000 has been reached with $2,707 donated!!! WowWOW! We know this will be incredibly helpful to Michelle and her well-being, and make her heart warm with love. A HEARTFELT thanks to everyone for your kindness and support!! Please note that no funds will go directly to Michelle, no funds go to Facing Homelessness, as is always the case, and if there are funds remaining, they will go to someone with a like need. Thanks SO very much!

If you'd like to continue to support Facing Homelessness's work, please visit:

A heartfelt THANKS in advance for any and all donations. This will be a fresh start for Michelle. She needs it. In my opinion, she deserves it.

Wallingford Neighborhood | Rex

*For additional stories please visit

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you’re moved by the goodness of this community, please visit and click on the ‘donate’ button and consider a gift that is meaningful to you--even a “monthly recurring” donation of just $5 in support of the work. Thank you!
#facinghomelessness #windowofkindness #TheBLOCKProject #kindness