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Rick & Cheryl are conductors of a full orchestra. One where every instrument in their life needs attention. Day to day, I don't know how they keep it all together. Homelessness is a full-time job for every person.

They have two vans, they live in one and their son lives in the other. The three dogs split time between the vans. For meeting very basic needs, Rick drives for Door Dash and Cheryl for Caviar.

Their son Ken has a HEN housing voucher, but cant' find a place because of an eviction in Arizona. They've tried over and over to resolve the matter, wanting to pay off what is owed, but they get sent into a circle of phone calls with nobody able to give direction for a solution.

On top of that, Cheryl lost her HEN housing because she received SSI, which is $783.00, not anywhere near enough for housing. Ugh! They are stretched so very thin.

Their dogs are happy. However they could use some help. One of the dogs has a bad ear infection and needs to see the vet. They also need some specific food that clears up crystals in the urine, which has some blood in it. We would like to raise $250.00 for those expenses. If there is a vet that could help out at a cut-rate, all the better! ALSO, this family is tired and could benefit greatly from three nights in a hotel, which would be another $300.00.

UPDATE: The Paypal link has been pulled in that the goal of raising $550 has been met with $1,234.35 donated, wowWOW!!! I know this will make a beautiful difference for this family. A heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone that gave support and LOVE.

All funds will be used to help Rick & Cheryl. No funds go directly to them and, as is always the case, no funds go to Facing Homelessness. If there are remaining funds, not used by Rick & Cheryl, they will go to someone with a like need.

A bigBIG LOVE to you Cheryl, Rick and Ken. Take good care of yourselves during this stressful time.

Northgate neighborhood | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit
and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#Kindness #JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness Crosscut KING 5


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Falling into homelessness is a unique journey. Every person has their own details of when, how, and why. If we stop to listen we find a truth shared by all, that nobody chose their homelessness. In fact, quite the opposite. At every decision, they chose what they thought best for them among the available options.

Auntie lives with chronic pain. Doctors inserted a pain-pump in her abdomen as a method of giving medication directly to her spinal cord. It worked until she got behind in payments and the doses of medication were cutoff. To address the pain, she turned to heroin. That was several years ago.

When I first met Auntie and her sweet dog Mr. B she was sitting on the tailgate of an RV wincing with pain because the man she was sharing space with beat her up. She thought maybe he had broken her wrist. I drove her to Virginia Mason to have it looked at. While it was not broken, they kept her for three days due to her vitals being in such bad shape. She was released and went back to the railroad tracks in SODO.

If you asked me what Auntie's chances of making it were at that time I would have said not very good, not good at all. In fact beginning of April I was told by folks on the street that Auntie had died, died with a needle in her arm. I was heart broken. I wrote her obituary and posted it on this page. After an outpouring of LOVE for Auntie was shared by so many in this community, I received a phone call from Auntie, telling me she was still very much alive!

She told me she had been at Sophia Way and that they were helping her move forward in a beautiful positive way. They were also looking to find housing for her, wowWOW!!

Keep in mind that housing wait-lists are running between 2-3 years. Which is a whole other conversation of frustration. However Katie, who is Auntie's case-manager, is asking us for help to make housing happen over night, housing for a year which will give time to then figure something permanent.

Here is the PLAN: Katie will find a year-lease for Auntie at $1,000 a month. Auntie pays $450 with $550 being paid by donations. $550x12=$6,600.00. This community, on a previous post has already raised $2,350.10 for Auntie, leaving $4,249.90 needing to be raised.

If you asked me again, what Auntie's chances of making it were now, I would say very good, like really really good!

Katie said, "My hope is to get her set up with resources and programs that will sustain her so that she will never be homeless again." She went on to share that Auntie has been taking great care of herself. Going to doctor's appointments. Taking her medicine. Her left eye has gone blind and she is seeing her doctor regularly to get help. She's also only smoking a couple cigarettes a day, trying her best to quit. On top of all that, she's been saving money. For all of you that have worried about her dog, Mr. B has seen the vet and is doing great!

Here is the icing on the cake, Auntie has been sober since 12/25/2019. She attends recovery meetings and working on her bright beautiful future!!!

Let's raise the $4,249.90 and get Auntie inside for a year and make good on Katie's HOPE of never letting Auntie be homeless again. ALL LOVE!

Seattle neighborhoods | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit
and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!




I think most of you know Steve, he's been a dear friend on this page for about 9 years. He's such a beautiful and goodGOOD man.

When we first met he was living in a tent buried in a giant blackberry bramble, now he lives inside at DESC's Aurora House, wowWOW!! His room is an artist's room, wonderfully him!

Steve shares, "Art is a path for my personal betterment." Some of you have bought his art-work off of this page. Those moments were beautiful and meant the world to him, and to us too.

I want to tell you that Steve is having a tough time right now. His brother, who was living in their home town of Lincoln, Nebraska, just died. Besides the grief of losing his brother, he's worried about his mom for all the suffering she is going through losing a son.

To get through this time, Steve wants to do a painting, one that he can sell on this page. He then wants to use the money to pay piano movers to move a 'free' piano into the community room at Aurora House. He sees this as a gift to those he lives with, a way to pay it forward.

We are asking for art supplies for Steve. He could use small and large water color paper, water colors, and some good quality colored pencils. THANKS!!!

Please sendTO: Facing Homelessness c/o Steve 4001 9th Ave NE, Seattle WA 98105.

Thank you everyone for reaching out in support of Steve during his time of need. So much LOVE for this community.

Aurora Avenue Neighborhood | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit
and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!

#Kindness #FacingHomelessness #JustSayHello Crosscut KING 5


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Dene was 19 when we first met. She was gettin around on her painted skateboard, living homeless in the U-District. I'll never forget the day she came into the FH office and we handed her a giant box of art supplies sent in for her by all of you.

Art is everything for Dene. She took the box in her arms and instantly dropped to her knees, going through every specific item with little sounds of happiness and gratitude.

That was five years ago. Over those years there were lots more art supplies, beautiful conversations, a friendship made, and so many struggles.

Yesterday my heart dropped visiting her in Georgetown. She could barely stand, her legs swollen from failing kidneys. She's getting medical attention now, hoping for the best.

I am having a hard time writing this post. How can there not be enough housing for everyone? How can there not be enough rehab beds for everyone? How can there not be enough mental health care for everyone? How can this be in a land of so many riches? What are we making important?

We would like to raise $300 for Safeway food-cards for Dene. It will make a difference for her to eat healthy and take the worry of food off her stressful plate. Please help.

UPDATE: The Paypal link has been pulled in that the goal of raising $300 has been met with $1,206.29 donated, wowWOW!! This will mean so much to Dene!!!!!!!!!!!! All funds will go to purchasing Safeway gift cards for Dene. As is always the case, no funds go to Facing Homelessness. Heartfelt THANKS to everyone that reached out with LOVE and support!!

If she gets through this she wants to take art classes at Gage Academy. I can't wait for that to happen for her!

Georgetown Neighborhood | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit
and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#Kindness #JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness Crosscut KING 5


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Dee forwarded the following message -

"Hi. There is a sweep happening right now, u district corner of 7th and 45th. Been a tent camp for a while. Cop cars. Dump truck. Clean up crew throwing things in the dump truck and kicking people out of tents. Just needed to make sure some group knew even it it's too late to help."

At the very same time this sWEEP was taking place, James, who had been homeless for 40 years, was sleeping in his new bed, receiving attention and support through DESC services.

Getting people inside where they can receive needed care is not rocket-science. It is being done all-the-time by beautiful nonprofits such as DESC, Compass Housing Alliance, LIHI, Plymouth Housing, and so many more!

Food, shelter, and health-care are basic needs that everyone deserves. Let's have a conversation about that. Share what you think. Tell us how we can get everyone inside.

In the meantime, please send James a WELCOME HOME card, we know he would loveLOVE it. He's going through a major life transition right now, eager to have community come around him. If you want, you can include a gift card for food or even a $5 bill, which will make him smile and smile!!

Send cards to: Facing Homelessness c/o James 4001 9th Ave NE, Seattle WA 98105. THANKS so very much!

South Lake Union Neighborhood | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#Kindness #JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness Crosscut KING 5




Every Tuesday Annie Baur brings a car-load of sandwiches and groceries from St. Joseph's parishioners to the Facing Homelessness 'Window of Kindness', wowWOW!

There are so many ways to be goodGOOD neighbors!!

St. Joe's Deacon Steve Wodzanowski is a friend to the homeless community, encouraging all of us to 'Just Say Hello' and join in the work of Facing Homelessness.

A heartfelt THANK YOU to Annie, Steve and all the fine folks being good neighbors at St. Joe's. All LOVE to you.

For those of you looking to give immediate help, we are currently in need of socks!!! Please shipTO: Facing Homelessness 4001 9th Ave NE, Seattle WA 98105.

Also, check out our ABOUT tab on this page for our donation Wish-List for additional items. THANKS so very much!

Capitol Hill Neighborhood | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit
and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#Kindness #JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness Crosscut KING 5




Several months ago our friend Gizmo lost his RV home and his dog Happy to a fire, he was devastated.

He wants to express sincere gratitude to those that reached out in kindness and support. Folks donated supplies, including (2) large tarps, and Kay Barckley gave her flute of 12 years to help lift Gizmo's spirit.

So much LOVE for how this community reaches out time and time again with compassion for those they don't know but hear are in need. LOVE.

West Seattle Neighborhood | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#Kindness #JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness Crosscut KING 5




A little over a month ago Scott Lee Schultz passed away.

When we first met, Scott was sitting on the curb. I said hello and asked if I could sit with him for a moment. Like many people were, I was simply drawn to him, he had the sweetest dearest face.

He told me a bit of his life, but mostly I was listening to the charm he had about him, his eyes had a twinkle, with so much kindness. Ten or so minutes into our talk he pulled out a little harmonica, playing and singing beautifully. His charm kept adding layers of smiles for me.

I told him how lovely his voice is, he started to cry, then told me not to worry, that he cries easily, something about tears of sunshine. I asked about the harmonica. He said he loves to play but his favorite instrument is the Jaw Harp. When I posted Scott's love of the Jaw Harp on this page, Gwen Fodge beautifully donated two to him! He was overjoyed!!

Scott lived homeless for years. Fortunately he was able to find housing for the last three of his life. Also fortunately, he was close to his mom Kathleen, who over the years was his advocate, helping him navigate physical / mental health and housing issues.

Yesterday I spoke with Kathleen, who is 81 years old. It was easy to feel Scott's bright light through her. Even on the phone you could feel her own wonderful charm. She told me this would be a difficult conversation but that it was good for her.

Scott was born in Texas, July 24, 1960. Kathleen told me they moved around because Scott's dad was a pilot in the Air Force. For that reason, Scott went to school in Texas, then Guam, Florida, Kansas, New York, back to Kansas, Utah, and finally to Seattle for his senior year at Bush High School.

Kathleen remembers the effort needed to get Scott into Bush. She was told they didn't accept transfers into the senior year. After a long back and forth, they agreed to test Scott. The day after Kathleen received a phone call saying Scott would be allowed to attend, they told her his test score was the highest they had ever seen. Kathleen told me that was the case for every school Scott attended. He was brilliant.

Scott was knowledgeable across all subjects. He was a voracious reader, taught himself to read at a very young age. He wanted to read the newspaper to follow the Vietnam War where his dad was serving, and eventually died.

More than anything Scott loved people and people loved him. Kathleen was told by three of Scott's teachers that when Scott was on the playground, there was no bullying. He had that calming way with people.

I'm so very grateful for my brief friendship with Scott. Also, I feel touched to have had such a beautiful conversation with Kathleen about her remarkable son.

LOVE to you Scott and to your beautiful family. RIP.

Capital Hill Neighborhood | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#Kindness #JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness Crosscut KING 5 Gwen Fodge




Regardless of where each of us are in life, we all deserve to be seen and appreciated for the beauty we hold.

We can quiet the judgment of negative stereotypes by connecting to our shared humanity. When we connect, we bridge over the negative and find LOVE in others.

Each and every sock handed out the Facing Homelessness 'Window of Kindness' by volunteers strives to build this bridge. An abundance of care and LOVE is given to each person.

Our office is full of LOVE but right now we are short on socks. We have about (3) weeks worth left. Can you please help?

Last time we made an ask for 1,000 pairs you all sent us 1,400 pairs, wowWOW!! We are asking for 1,000 again.

You can shipTO: Facing Homelessness 4001 9th Ave NE, Seattle WA 98105. If you have questions, please ask in the comments below. A heartfelt THANK YOU.

BTW - If you are interested in purchasing other items you can find a WISHlist here at

. If you purchase through Amazon, please use this account


Socks are like GOLD for those living on our streets, they are connected directly to health and happiness.

University District Neighborhood | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit

and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness #Kindness KING 5 Crosscut


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Beginning our shared journey nearly 10 years ago, you ALL have stepped up, at every corner, to help push the community work of Facing Homelessness forward. You have said overANDover again, that the answer is LOVE!

With the just finished two-day Seattle Foundation giveBIG campaign, you exceeded our goal of raising $10K with $10,786 donated, wowWOW!!! Thank you so much!

This is David Guardipee, of the Black Feet Nation. His other name, given by his mother, was Snow Ball. He was an artist. Lived homeless with extreme dignity and beauty.

If you read "Fools Crow", by James Welch, which is an incredible can't-put-it-down read, you will learn about David's people, many of the names in that book are from his family. When I told David how much I loved the book, he said, "You should then read, "The Sun Came Down, The History of the World as My Blackfeet Elders Told It", by Percy Bullchild." Percy is David's uncle.

David sadly passed away September 2018. He was so very loved by those that knew him. Still so very missed.

That's the thing. He was so very loved by those that knew him. This is the work of Facing Homelessness. Asking all of us to get to know each other. Each person living on the street, like David, is worth getting to know. When we do, we find the beauty in that person. LOVE follows.

A heart felt THANK YOU to the seventy-six people that gaveBIG to Facing Homelessness. Your belief in us helps connect us together in community. Thank you. LOVE.

University District Neighborhood | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit
and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#Kindness #JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness Crosscut KING 5


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After 40 years living homeless, James has a home.

One with a front door and walls providing security, a warm floor rather than the cold ground, a roof rather than the underside of a concrete off-ramp, a kitchen to cook warm meals, quiet peace rather than endless street noise, and a bed, one with morning eastern light streaming in!

Yesterday, Blair read 22 Welcome Home cards to James sent in by this Facing Homelessness community, wowWOW!!! He took so much delight in hearing they came from around the country! It was a moment. Honestly my heart was bursting for him. He was beyond giddy happy! Later I remarked to Blair how happy James was and she said, "He's been that way for the last 9 days, ever since moving in!"

A heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone that helped James with support over the years. As he stood panhandling in the Montlake neighborhood, each of your kind faces reaching out to him made this moment possible!

Now that James is inside, he has some home furnishing needs. If you can help, please comment below by calling out which item, or items you can provide. Please check the comments before so we don't double up. All items should be sentTO or droppedOFF at: Facing Homelessness c/o James 4001 9th Ave NE, Seattle WA 98105. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

James' Welcome Home Wish List
Dish drying rack, box fan, pots & pans, cooking utensils, cups, dishes, silverware, TV, coffee pot, twin sheet set, food gift cards, clothing - shirts & jackets size M, pants size 30/32, shoes size 11, cleaning supplies, hygiene supplies.

A special THANKS to Blair and Savannah for their endless friendship towards James and tireless hard work in making this happen! And finally, a heartfelt mountain of gratitude for DESC, who makes this moment happen for so many in need!

We loveLOVE you James and are tremendously happy for you!

South Lake Union Neighborhood | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit

and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#Kindness #JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness Crosscut KING 5 Blair Jordan DESC




Trevor is 42 years old, has been homeless for 12 years now. He grew up in Woodinville, as my wife did. In fact he knows lots of the same places she does. Made me smile.

It's beautiful how even the slightest shared experience with someone makes for a connection. I don't know why, but just knowing he grew up in the same neighborhood as my wife, walking the same path, brings me closer to him.

The stress of living on the street, navigating the survival line, brings out the best and sometimes the worst in people. I've known Trevor now for about 5 or so years. I've seen him suffer through some horrible times. Through all of it he holds his dignity with a constant humbleness. He is indeed a gentle soul.

Right now Trevor has ulcerated sores on his legs that are about 5" in diameter. He has a hard time walking because of it. He visits the 45th Street Clinic in Wallingford every week to have them cleaned and re-dressed. He's exhausted.

I am hoping we can get 2-nights stay in a hotel for Trevor, I know it would make a world of difference for his spirit.

UPDATE: The Paypal link has been pulled in that the goal of raising $200 has been met with $1,008.20 raised, wowWOW!!! This will allow Trevor at least a week inside! A heartfelt THANKS to everyone that supported and showed kindness. No funds go directly to Trevor and no funds go to Facing Homelessness.

I am sorry you are going through so much Trevor, I hope you know what a good man you are and how much LOVE this community has for you.

Wallingford Neighborhood | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit
and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#Kindness #JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness Crosscut KING 5




Physical-distancing is giving us space and time for personal reflection. Day by day we are creating a new normal.

What is your new normal? And, is it here to stay or an in-between space before returning to the old normal?

For many, caring for each other has moved to the top of the ToDoList. Good things are happening, like elderly parents suddenly hearing from their children lots more, being told 'I love you', lots more.

People are putting people first. Folks are finding new ways to connect, smile, laugh and share. A time for all of us to tap into our own creative compassion! As community, we are worrying for those that are vulnerable as if it was ourselves needing the care and LOVE.

Please meet Michael & Matthew, owners of 'Three Sacks Full', a pop-up project dedicated to serving wholesome, satisfying food! In addition to the love they have for their work and their clients, they are reaching out to the community with genuine creative compassion!

"There are many people in our community who need help in this pandemic, from unemployed workers to those without homes. Each week, 'Three Sacks Full' is donating 10% of our sales to a charity in our community." So beautiful!

Facing Homelessness was the charity of their choice this last week, receiving $177.00 from Michael & Matthew!!! A heartfelt thank you for your beautiful generosity and desire for making a difference!

Seattle Neighborhoods | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit
and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#Kindness #JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness Crosscut KING 5




Three days ago I sadly shared that our goodGOOD friend Auntie, who was living homeless, passed away. Over a thousand of you expressed sadness and hundreds more shared comments of LOVE for her and her sweet dog Mr. B.

Yesterday evening I received a phone call. The caller ID said it was Auntie. At first it took me back, then I figured somebody had found her phone and was calling to let me know.

I answered. The scratchy voice on the other end said, "I just read I was dead!! But I am not, I am very much alive!"

I am still smiling so big from that moment!!! I can't convey how happy I was to hear the familiar beautiful voice of Auntie!!! After getting over the shock, and then the shared laughter, I told her the story on the streets was that she died with a needle in her arm. She assured me that she was not only alive but that she was doing veryVERY well.

She told me she'd been free of heroin since the first of the year and has been getting stronger and stronger since staying at the Sophia Way shelter, wowWOW!!

As we got chatting, Auntie stopped me, she said, "Please tell all those people on the FB page who reached out wanting to take care of Mr. B how much that meant to me."

I am hoping we can make something extraordinary happen from Auntie still being ALIVE! Auntie is searching for housing, the lists can take years. Perhaps we can get her inside for a year during the wait-time. She can afford about $450 a month in rent. If we added $500, she could look for a studio or room-in-a-house for $950. I know it is a stretch, but it's worth the try! Hoping we can raise $6K to make one year happen!

It was beyond wonderful seeing you today Auntie and Mr. B!! Word is spreading on the street and on this page that you are still alive and it is making for so much joy and thankfulness!!!

Bellevue Neighborhood | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit
and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#Kindness #JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness Crosscut KING 5




This is our friend Gizmo. He's been homeless for years, was living on Harbor Island in an RV with his dog Happy.

Several weeks ago Gizmo's RV burned to the ground due to a propane leak. Efforts to put the fire out quickly had to be abandoned with Gizmo barely making it out in time. So very sadly his dog Happy did not. I can't imagine the horror.

Gizmo lost most everything. Last week he was able to get another RV off an auto-wrecking-yard in Auburn, affording him a place to sleep and begin over again.

Gizmo's entire life has been one of abrupt change. His mom and dad broke up when we was five. He was raised by his father, who worked for GE as a turbine specialist. They traveled the country, every year a new school for Gizmo.

As we were standing there the neighbor came out and began asking questions. Are you a friend of my next-door neighbor? How come you are parked here? How long will you be here?

I watched Gizmo go into damage control mode, putting on the charm, wanting the person to know he had nothing to be afraid of, that he welcomed the questions, that he was a nice guy and on and on.

It was clear Gizmo had done this routine before, he knew it was an important moment for him. I felt bad about it, watching him work so hard when he had done nothing wrong. In the end, the neighbor seemed satisfied, assured for now that there was not an immediate danger.

Gizmo could really use a 10'x20' tarp and some battery powered hand-tools. For his state of mind, he would love a small television, and if possible, a flute. He smiled extra big when asking about a flute.

If you can help, please sendTO: Facing Homelessness c/o Gizmo 4001 9th Ave NE, Seattle WA 98105. THANKS!!!

You are a goodGOOD man Gizmo. Everyone that knows you is profoundly sorry for your loss. Sending LOVE to you and Happy.

South Park Neighborhood | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#Kindness #JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness Crosscut KING 5




The Facing Homelessness mission is to bring everyone into the process of ending homelessness. The TRUTH is that we need YOU if we are truly going to make this happen!

We start by asking, "With your talents and resources, what creative compassionate solution can you bring?"

During this time of Covid-19 we desperately need your smartHEART to be in service to those living outside without their basic needs being met. The time is now.

Matthew Shea spent some very rough years living homeless in Seattle. Throughout that experience he reached out to others struggling, to prepare food for them, to give LOVE.

Matthew is now living inside, still giving back. Beginning next week he will be preparing hot meals to hand out at the Facing Homelessness 'Window Of Kindness', wowWOW!!

Weeks ago we set up a 'Food-Fund' Paypal account. You all responded beautifully, helping us purchase food & food gift cards for those in need. Over $800 worth of $20 Safeway Gift Cards alone have already been handed out! With resources quickly disappearing for those living outside, these food-cards have been met with joyous smiles and deep gratitude.

Let's keep it going! Let's help fund Matthew's weekly hot-meals. He says for $75 he can easily feed 50 people!!

We loveLOVE you Matthew!! Thank you for bringing your creativeCOMPASSIONATEsolution forward for those in need!

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit
and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!




All of us at Facing Homelessness are thrilled to welcome Lisa Boyd to our staff and proudly introduce her as our already loved super-smart accountant!

As Facing Homelessness grows to meet this community's desire for creative compassionate solutions, we know it is most important to meet your faith in us with a staff dedicated to the mission and ready to honor your support with hard work, professionalism and genuine care.

Lisa is all of that and more and we are so excited to have her helping us move forward!! Here is a little bit of what she wanted to share with all of you:

"Growing up in Seattle, I have seen the city change in many ways. In my lifetime, homelessness moved from being something I wasn’t aware of, to one of the top issues impacting our community. Over this time, I have heard commentary from friends, family, and media outlets sharing their view on the issues and solutions. Over the last couple of years, I have become more open and curious to what is really going on, and in doing so have discovered the humanity at the heart of this issue. Everything I had heard talked about the ‘other,’ but people experiencing homelessness are just like all people, human beings doing the best they can with what they have. It easily could have been me if I hadn’t had support through trying times. It is this humanizing that Facing Homelessness does, which is so important in educating people that homelessness is complex, and in the end, people are still people no matter where they live or what they have."

We are so very grateful to have Lisa join us in our mission to bring everyone into the solution for ending homelessness!

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit
and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#Kindness #JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness


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I felt powerful. But vulnerable and unworthy. Carting 20 boxes of pizza through the bowels of the sprawling homeless encampment. The air stunk. There were disheveled huts, hard times and hunger. The afternoon sun warmed the cold March air as the impoverished aftermath of the Great Society set the table for lady luck. Deliverance, short but sweet. I’ve never known hunger in my life.

People emerged from the wreckage. From obscurity and loneliness. Behind junk and garbage. A man climbed hastily from a treehouse. Danny sat in the mud near spent needles, pathetically fumbling to tie his unmatched shoes, afraid he might miss out. He didn’t. It seemed the happiest day of his life.

It went like this; Me, “Hey- how ‘bout some pizza?” Response, “You’re kidding right? Free?” Pizza power. We all know the feeling, right? Not really. I know I don’t. “God bless you,” they spoke in unison. The recurring chorus rung in my head as I lay in bed at night. The eyes. The faces moving across the screen. Haunting. Hungry. The numbers. I never get used to the numbers. Right here in Seattle.

Seattle’s homeless state of emergency declared in 2015 seems pretty old news anymore. Sadly dismissed to the back pages of the local news even prior to recent events. And now, with the secondary supply chain eviscerated, the delicate infrastructure is further diminished. The once reliable restaurant dumpsters empty. And ironically, today, even the common man must learn what it feels like to be considered unclean. By those he doesn’t know well enough to mistrust. Or to hate.

Anthony’s cool. The scene’s a rerun. A young man standing back, too proud to ask. Too hungry to resist. His expression screams silent satisfaction. Relief from hunger, even if only briefly.

A few days ago, Rex spoke of Egan Orion and his “Food is Love” initiative to support local restaurants while feeding the poor. Facing Homelessness will be engaging with Egan regularly for the foreseeable future, harmonizing Egan’s leadership and talents with the connection Facing Homelessness has with the front lines of Seattle’s forgotten. Special thanks to Egan and Ian’s Pizza at Pine and Broadway for feeding the hungry. You can support “Food is Love” here:

Facing Homelessness has established a special fund to provide food for those experiencing hunger during these difficult times. Please consider giving:

Your sacrifice will relieve hunger, I assure you. Let’s make a few hundred faces shine. Like Anthony’s. Warming hearts and souls. Like the sun in March.

Yesler Terrace Neighborhood | Damian

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit
and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#Kindness #JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness Crosscut KING 5




We all feel it. Change has already come to our lives because of Covid-19. The ripples are extending relentlessly. One after another we hear of a new struggle, surprised by it at first and then realizing sadly, duh, of course that would happen, how could it not have.

This morning I felt it again when visiting Real Change Vendor Sabina Lopez, who hasn't sold a paper in weeks. She said, "You can't sell papers to people who aren't there."

My heart dropped. Another moment of realizing, "Duh, of course". I had not even thought about all those beautiful vendors and the horrible impact this was going to bring.

Yesterday Real Change suspended printing the paper. They've gone to on-line publication only, until further notice. They are focused on how to best give support to those in the community.

For those of us that can continue with some income, the worries are about health and happiness. For those that were already on the poverty line, or below it, their worries include food, shelter, survival.

You can help support Real Change Vendors right now by donating to their "Real Change Vendor Relief Fund."

This is Sabina. She's been a RC Vendor for about 7 years. When we first met she was living outside, struggling deeply, being ruled by her drinking. Today she lives in Chief Seattle Club's Eagle Village, has been sober for about 2 years, and is engaged to Ray, wowWOW!!

If you want to help Sabina, and I so hopeHOPE you do, please go to: Venmo, then Real Change, then Sabina Lopez, and then enter her badge #11690 and donate.

ALSO, in the link above you can find your favorite RC Vendor and provide support for them through this very difficult time. Even a little matters a great deal. A heartfelt THANK YOU!

Tim Harris, who is the Real Change Founding Director, and a personal heroANDmentor of mine, shared: "It's hard. Vendors really miss both the income and the community. Our priority is to keep everyone safe and supported while we publish the paper each week at We're very inspired by the amazing community support we've seen the past few weeks, and will be back on the street as soon as possible."

Seattle Neighborhoods | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#Kindness #JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness RealChange VendorProgram Crosscut KING 5 Chief Seattle Club Colleen Echohawk-Hayashi


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In these times of social-distancing the needs of those experiencing homelessness do not simply go away. In fact, quite the opposite, the needs increase.

Many of the thin bridges that provide essential services have vanished over night. This is were each of us come in with our creative compassionate solutions to help build new bridges.

Take a moment to brainstorm on how you, with your talents and resources, can get involved to make a difference. That is what Egan Orion has done with his 'Food Is Love Project!'

Egan and friends are feeding people MWF. This last Monday they arranged for Terra Plata to donate (15) cups of soup and Dick's to donate (24) cheeseburgers and chips. Damian and I were asked to pick them up and deliver to those outside, which was easyPEAZY!!

All the food was handed out, keeping 6'-0" away, to an incredibly grateful group of people living in tents under Interstate-5 in the SODO neighborhood, wowWOW!!

A very special THANKS to Terra Planta for the donated soup and to Dick's, whose cheeseburgers I've been eating since I was a little boy, for the burgers and chips!

LOVE to everyone for finding their own creative compassion!

SODO neighborhood | Rex

A QUIET THOUGHT - If you're moved by the goodness of this community, please visit and click on the 'donate' button and consider a "monthly recurring" donation of just $5 in support of the work. THANK YOU!
#Kindness #JustSayHello #FacingHomelessness Crosscut KING 5 Dick's Drive In Restaurant Terra Plata Damian Monda Egan Orion